Contact Us

02 4929 4534


PO Box 109, Carrington, NSW 2294

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About Us

We are a young service, but come with a wealth of knowledge from lived experience, a background in psychology, and extensive experience in disability advocacy and working in the NDIS. More importantly, we understand the love and kindness it takes to care for a family member with a disability.

We know that disability is part of the human story but it is only one part of the story. Whether you have a physical, intellectual or psychosocial disability Fellows Street will listen to you. Together, we will explore what disability means to you and support you to fulfil your unique needs, wants and interests.

Fellows Street is about the support you need to participate in your community and live the life you want to live. It is about equal rights so you can lead active independent lives where you are in control and in charge.

Fellows Street will listen, support and respect your right to explore the way you want your life to look.

What we stand for Our commitment to you

About the Founder

Darcy lives in Newcastle with her bulldog Jerry and enjoys going to the gym and the dog beach.

Darcy has worked in disability for over 20 years and has built up a successful career during which she established extensive funding across NSW for disability advocacy. She decided to leave that world to do something which would allow her to make a difference to people’s lives on a deeper and more personal level.